Alan Abrams
Alan Abrams
June 19, 2023  |    No Comments


Peace Piece Ode to Bill Evans Peace may be within you find the peaceful easy feeling when you love hate is easy love is hard without peace in your heart Peace you can’t have if you can’t give peace you

Alan Abrams
Alan Abrams
June 19, 2023  |    No Comments


I Could Forgive Him “When the night talks to you, you gotta listen… Look at that moon. Listen to that desert.”           ~Robert Boris, Electra Glide in Blue   I was not made for abuse, no, I was meant for a

Alan Abrams
Alan Abrams
June 19, 2023  |    No Comments

Stone on Stone

STONE ON STONE “Caw caw caw crows shriek in the white sun over the grave stones…”          ~Allen Ginsberg, Kaddish Headlights lit in the middle of the day we follow the man (who I’d now call young)

Alan Abrams
Alan Abrams
April 14, 2023  |    No Comments

The Poet’s Secrets

  It’s late, Li Po, but I’ve some questions, as the moon rises behind a veil of mist– shapely, yet demure: how did her silvery light guide your pen? And–if I may dare to ask– how many lovers did your

Alan Abrams
Alan Abrams
December 25, 2022  |    No Comments


Crackers was a dog who never knew a leash. ​I’ll get to his finer qualities, but first—I must admit that I am not a dog person.  And I’m really not a puppy person.  I don’t like their smell, and I

Alan Abrams
Alan Abrams
December 25, 2022  |    No Comments


It’s not much more than a mile to McGinty’s, to which I walk when Janet’s away, often passing by a troop of blissed out Buddhas nam-yo-ing on the sidewalk by the Chic-Fil-A. The burgers are thick and juicy at the

Alan Abrams
Alan Abrams
December 25, 2022  |    No Comments


The opium eater reclines with rigid head and just-open’d lips… You all know how hard it is to find a good parking place in a busy town. Well, we lucked out—or so it seemed— while running an errand yesterday. I

Alan Abrams
Alan Abrams
December 25, 2022  |    No Comments


My father knew his knots and splices, and how to wind a hose in even loops without a kink. These were skills he learned in boot camp, before shipping out across the often fatal seas. Now, with a house, a

Alan Abrams
Alan Abrams
December 25, 2022  |    No Comments


Ridiculous, how many wives that I’ve run from. And surrogate wives, and surrogate-surrogate wives, as Cogs would say, speaking from experience, and who, it’s worth mentioning, could drink circles around me, and moreover, could hold his piss like the truck